
Radiant Love Supports…. The Crisis Pregnancy Centers (Feb. ’09)

The Crisis Pregnancy Centers of Greater Phoenix, Inc. (CPC) was founded in 1982 with the vision of serving the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of women and families who are in crisis because of an unplanned pregnancy.
Since that time, CPC has grown to become one of the largest crisis pregnancy centers in the nation, with five centers in the greater Phoenix area, an influential prevention education program, and has a strong, engaged, and dedicated group of state-wide supporters.
The teens, men, and women served through CPC’s trained support team are offered education regarding pregnancy, abortion facts and risks, and alternatives, to name a few. Clients also receive education about healthy relationships, the risks of sexually transmitted infections (STIs and STDs), and positive, healthy life choices.
CPC is a non-profit organization whose mission is “saving lives and protecting futures.” Their goal is to impact the community by offering programs and services that boldly speak the truth in love while offering choices, support, and hope.

The Crisis Pregnancy Centers of Greater Phoenix, Inc. are happy to provide the following individualized and confidential services either free of charge or at a very low cost:

* Pregnancy verification and viability through ultrasound
* Counseling and education to women and families in crisis as a result of an unplanned pregnancy
* Testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs/STDs)
* Counseling for those who test positive for sexually transmitted infections
* Counseling for birth parents and their families who are exploring the option of adoption and   ongoing support for those who choose adoption
* Healing and hope to those who have experienced abortion (abortion recovery counseling)
* Parenting education
* Options education
* Education and counseling regarding healthy relationships and positive life choices
* Referrals to and collaboration with other agencies

CPC’s goal is to present medically accurate and up-to-date information in order to empower men and women to make informed, healthy choices that will serve to save lives and protect futures. CPC is proud to be Phoenix Metro’s number one resource for sexual health services, education, information, and community referrals.

For more information, please contact CPC’s friendly and knowledgeable staff at one of their Arizona centers. www.choicesaz.org/contact_us/locations/ or if out of state visit: www.optionline.org

To find out more about our Radiant Love Supports program click HERE.

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