
Growing your business with Facebook: Video 1

When other business owners first began calling us with questions about Facebook, we realized we had something special going on here.  But it wasn’t until the VP of a major company came to us looking for answers, that we decided it was time to go public with what we know.

If you’ve been following us for awhile now, you may have guessed that Facebook plays a huge role in the success of our photography company, Radiant. And you would be right.  Facebook is the main avenue through which we receive new clients, blog traffic, and more fans of our work.

We started Radiant less than 2 years ago (during a recession)… we have never paid for advertising (with the exception of a bridal show booth that has barely been profitable)…and yet we are already a debt free company and were turning a profit by the end of our first year in business.  Actually, by the end of the first year we had so much business that we could barely keep up… the second year has been the same… and Facebook has been the key to it all.

This first video is the intro to the invaluable info that’s about to head your way, so be sure to “like” our Facebook page so you can follow along as we release each video installment in this series.

And now, before this description earns itself a spoiler alert, I’ll let you get to watching the first video in our series “Growing Your Business With Facebook”.

Video 1- Facebook: a big deal.

Comment with any questions you might have and we’ll work on answering them!

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  • Gina MeolaNovember 1, 2010 - 2:47 pm


  • […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Denise Gotcher, Breanna Chanson. Breanna Chanson said: The first video in our series about "Growing Your Business With Facebook" is on our blog! http://bit.ly/dq05Wq […] ReplyCancel

  • paliNovember 1, 2010 - 8:32 pm

    HI! I found you through some friends of mine from SBC. I’m from Argentina, and I’m a BIG FAN of your work.
    I’m starting my own photography business in Buenos Aires, where I live…I just want to thank you for being my inspiration, and for this great video…can´t wait to see the next ones!!!
    I hope some day I’ll be able to go to Arizona to visit some of my friends and meet you!!!!
    Thank you!

  • […] back again, full of just as much on camera awkwardness as before! (Click here to see video 1 if you missed it). Don’t worry, we get more comfortable as the series goes on… and the […] ReplyCancel

  • Nicholas LeongNovember 9, 2010 - 4:44 am

    Thank you for sharing 🙂 Now let me go work on my Facebook account 😛ReplyCancel

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