The first thing I think of when I look back on Diana and Hector’s wedding is how freaking BEEEAUTIFUL Diana looked!!
She was so stunning! I can’t believe Hector didn’t pass out when he first saw her coming down the aisle!
Her hair, makeup, dress… all of it was perfect!
(She also looked incredibly happy throughout the entire day! She couldn’t stop her smile… it was sneaking out all over the place!).
Don’t worry, Hector, I won’t leave you out… you looked pretty good yourself!
Of course there were other fantastic aspects of their wedding…
…the major one that stands out in my head is how obvious it was that they have really awesome relationships with their family and friends.
Right from the beginning of the day, I got the chance to hang out with all the great people that were involved in the wedding and get to know them a little bit better… the room that Diana got ready in was full to the brim with women up until the start of the ceremony and it was so much fun to watch them interact and listen to their own stories while putting the finishing touches on their makeup!
It was definitely a very fun group and I loved spending so much time with them on such a significant day!
Speaking of their family… Hector’s mom made all the flower arrangements and they were so impressive… she definitely has a talent for it!
A lot of their friends were long term friends who were very invested in Hector and Diana’s lives (the best man told stories about kindergarten in his toast!)…
…and their family was pretty connected to each other throughout the day as well.
(Diana’s two brothers walked her down the aisle).
You can’t beat a day that is full of watching emotional interactions happen among a group of people who care about one another so much!
There was definite genuine love in this group and it was beautiful!
(Like our page on Facebook to tag yourself in some of these photos!)
The ceremony itself was a good example of this (by the way, they had Bible readings in both Spanish and English and it was awesome!)!
The officiant was a part of the family and she made the ceremony very personal by including lots of stories about the two growing up.
She spoke of times when their family was there for them and she did a great job highlighting all the beauty in these families that stood out to me so much during the rest of the day.
(I love this one of her and her mom during the ceremony! I’ll bet that’s a moment neither will ever forget).
It was so fun to get to hear all these stories and to feel like I got to know everyone so much better through the ceremony.
We were so glad our friends Janae and Ron from Tyars Media Videography were there to capture it all on video!
So of course with this many fun people, who have known each other for so many years… the party could be nothing but amazing!
Dancing, laughing, drinking, eating… everyone there maintained permanent smiles on their faces!
Especially Diana and Hector of course!
Thank you Diana and Hector for inviting us into your tight knit community to have the privilege of being a part of your special day!
We truly enjoyed your wedding and we are so happy that the two of you found one another… you seem really perfect together.
Click to see the rest of Hector and Diana’s wedding photos!
Wow! What a great job Scottie and Breanna did. The photos are absolutely stellar. I totally enjoyed reliving all those special moments Diana and Hector shared, captured so beautifully and creatively. Thank you for sharing! Keep up the great work!!!
Janae Tyars